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Why I'm here...

Thank you for being here. I hope you are here because something about my content, or my classes, touched your life in some way. That's why I am here.

I'm here because I've been involved in the fitness industry for a long time and I've made mistakes, learned from some incredible people, and want to pass my experience on.

I'm here because I'm a teacher at heart and I love to communicate information that I'm passionate about. I love talking about chemistry (ha!), and I love talking about fitness and nutrition.

I'm here because I think most people who want to step up their fitness and nutrition game just need a little bit of guidance, and then find that they can have control over what once seemed very overwhelming.

I'm here because I spend every free minute that I have reading, listening, and practicing fitness and nutrition and I have to do something with this energy.

I'm here because even if I can help one person, that is meaningful to me.

Thank you for checking out my page. I hope to bring good, sound, and impactful information that will help you on your own health and wellness journey, because I'm constantly working on mine and it's been a good investment.

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