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Small Changes Add Up to Success!

The best diet and exercise plan is the one that you will stick to. Period.

The most effective way we can really make changes that lead us to lifelong wellness is to start small and work slowly. You can certainly overhaul your diet and only eat particular foods, you can cut sugar entirely, you can cut whole macronutrients and you will see results because you’re probably putting yourself into a calorie deficit. However, there will be a time where you want to take your kids out for ice cream, or go out for pizza with your friends, or go to a dinner where they’re serving something you’re not supposed to have. Eventually we fall and we feel guilty. We beat ourselves up for not adhering to a plan that, realistically, we could never stick to and live a normal, happy life. Food is engineered to taste REALLY good. You’re not a failure, we all struggle and it’s hard!

What we need to do is make small changes. Eat more veggies. Cook an extra meal at home. Prepare a protein and roast a tray of veggies when you have some time so you can grab it when you’re low on time and hungry. Drink more water. Cut out as many processed foods as you can and replace them with whole foods. Take one meal that you always feel you have trouble with and start there. Choose one or two things, and that's where you can start.

Please remember that you don't need to be perfect to be better.

Don’t vow to go to the gym 5 days/week from the get-go. Start with moving more during the day. Get your steps in. Add in some strength training. Find a class you love and make that one a priority. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Stay as consistent as you can but also be flexible to live your life, and enjoy your friends and family. Stress is a huge contributor to our body holding onto fat that we don’t want, so don’t add stress with an overwhelming nutrition and fitness plan. Journal so you can track your progress, energy, moods and digestion. Go slow and find what works for you.

Personally, I think starting is the most difficult part of anything. Just knowing how to start is overwhelming and you don’t know where to focus. Start with more steps, start with one meal, one snack, add veggies, more water. Whatever you can do, do it. All those small things add up over time and you can do it. If you need help, that’s what I’m here for!

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